A great way to grow in our church is to attend one of our CrossTraining classes, which is like Sunday School. We have classes available ongoing and we begin new studies quarterly. Generally, we will offer both a book study or a video study. These studies begin at 9:00am and run until just before our 10:00am service.
Experiencing God guides learners to experience the kind of relationship with God through which they come to know and do His will. This book is based on seven Scriptural realties that teach us how to develop a true relationship with the Creator. By understanding how God is working through us, we can begin to clearly know his will for us. Join us and experience the height, depth, and breadth of God’s love. Sundays at 9:00am. This study will carry over to the winter quarter.
Experiencing God is my life message. It describes the way I have always understood and walked with God. I had shared these truths in many places before writing the book. People repeatedly asked, “Have you ever written down the material you are teaching? God’s people need to hear these truths.” I eventually put that material into the book Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God. Since its release in 1990, God has used the study to change millions of lives and thousands of churches around the world. Ten years after its release, more than three million copies of the workbook had been distributed. The workbook has now been published in 47 languages and has been used in almost every denomination. I am amazed that God, in His mercy and grace, used such a modest work by ordinary people! I have been overwhelmed by the response to Experiencing God. So many lives have been radically changed: inmates, military personnel, lawyers, judges, CEOs, professional athletes, politicians, parents. The study has transformed thousands of churches, high schools, colleges, and seminaries. Because of this study, countless of people are now serving as missionaries, pastors, evangelists, and faithful servants. Only heaven truly knows all the ways God has used Experiencing God to impact the world.
Your faith in God matters to God. In fact, God is most honored through your living, active, death-defying, out-of-the-box faith. That being the case, he’s committed to growing it. Big. Imagine how different your outlook on life would be if you had absolute confidence that God was with you? Imagine how differently you would respond to difficulties, temptations, and even good things if you knew with certainty that God was in all of it and was planning to leverage it for good. In other words, imagine what it would be like to have PERFECT faith. In this video study, Five Things God Uses to Grow Your Faith, Andy Stanley builds a biblical case five things God uses to grow BIG faith. Join us Sunday at 9:00am.