Helping those at the crossroads of life
to find and follow the way, the truth, and the life.
Casual dress is perfectly acceptable. We are a come as you are church. God does not care what you wear, just that you show up.
Our Sunday morning service lasts about an hour and a half. Every morning we offer coffee, tea, and water to our guests. After a five minute countdown, our worship time will begin. Our awesome worship band will perform about five “rockin” songs. The words will be on screen for any who wants to join in. After worship, we will dismiss the children to go to there respective church classes. After the children have made their exit we will have a personal testimony on what God is doing in someone′s life. Every week we try to have a live testimony, but sometimes it may be a video testimony. We then take an offering and break about four minutes while some people have a restroom break and others refill their drink. When we come back together we delve into our message which comes straight from the bible. Our message is jumpstarted by what we call “flickers of faith”. What this is, is a short video clip that relates to the day′s message. Following the message, and after an invitation to come forward publicly and demonstrate a new spiritual commitment to Jesus, church will be dismissed and children can be picked up from their classrooms.
Just after our worship time, children are invited to Children′s Church where they will have a lesson and crafts that teach Scripture on an age appropriate level. Our children′s church classes correlate with your child′s grade levels in school; Preschool/Kindergarten, 1st-3rd grade, 4th-6th grade. We also have a toddler room for 18 months up to preschool age, and we have a nursery open to parents anytime during the service.